How to Deadpoint When Climbing

What is deadpointing?

Deadpointing is a Climbing technique in which the climber uses momentum to “explode” from one hold to the next. The move is often used when there is a large gap between holds, or when the holds are too small to get both hands on them.

The term deadpoint comes from the fact that, at the moment of explosion, the climber’s arms and legs are both straight (or “dead”), and thus all of the energy is focused on moving upward.

To execute a deadpoint, the climber first assesses the holds and figure out where to place their feet and hands. Once they have settled on a plan, they will take a few deep breaths and focus their energy. When they are ready, they will take a running jump toward the holds and “explode” upwards, using all of their momentum to reach for the next hold.

With practice, deadpoints can be executed with precision and power, allowing climbers to overcome seemingly impossible routes.

Why is it important?

Climbing is all about using your body in the most efficient way possible to get up a route. When you’re deadpointing, you’re using your momentum and your body weight to help you move upwards.

It’s important to learn how to deadpoint because it’s a key climbing technique that will help you save energy when you’re climbing. It also helps you keep your balance and stay focused when you’re making moves.

How to do it

A deadpoint is a move in rock climbing in which the climbers use momentum to propel themselves upward to reach a hold that they could not otherwise reach by simply using their muscles. To execute a deadpoint, the climber must first approach the hold with enough speed and momentum to allow them to “snap” to the hold when they reach it.

Find a good foothold

The first thing you need to do is find a good foothold. A good foothold is one that is big enough for your foot and that you can comfortably stand on without your foot slipping. Once you have found a good foothold, place your foot on it so that your heel is resting on the edge of the foothold and your toes are pointing down.

Place your weight on the foothold

Start by standing on a foothold with your arms extended above your head. Place your weight on the foothold and then shift your weight slightly until you feel like you’re about to fall off. You want to be in a position where you can move quickly and efficiently.

Once you’re in position, reach up and grab the hold above you with one hand. As you do this, jump up and place your other hand on the hold. Try to keep your body as close to the wall as possible so that you don’t have to reference back and forth between the two holds.

From here, it’s a matter of pulling yourself up until you can reach the next hold. As you pull yourself up, make sure to keep your body close to the wall so that you’re not wasting energy reaching out for thenext hold.

Once you’ve reached the next hold, repeat the process until you’ve reached the top of the climb.

Reach for the next hold

When you’re climbing, you’ll often need to move your hand from one hold to the next. To do this, you’ll need to “deadpoint” — extend your arm and hand to reach for the next hold.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Set up your climb so that you’re reaching for a hold that’s just out of your reach.
  2. Start by reaching for the hold with your arm fully extended. As you get close to the hold, start bending your elbow, so that you can “cup” the hold with your hand.
  3. Keep your body close to the wall as you reach for the hold. This will give you more leverage and help you stay balanced.
  4. Once you’ve reached the hold, grip it firmly and continue climbing!
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