Practice Falling While Bouldering

The Fear of Falling

Bouldering is a form of rock climbing that is typically done without the use of ropes or harnesses. The climber uses only their hands and feet to scale the rock face. Bouldering is often considered to be a dangerous sport due to the height at which climbers can fall.

Why do we fear falling?

There are many reasons why people are afraid of falling, and often this fear is based on a previous experience or injury. For some, the fear is based on a lack of confidence in their ability to catch themselves before they hit the ground. Others may be afraid of the potential pain or injuries that can result from a fall.

No matter what the reason for your fear, it is important to remember that falling is a natural part of bouldering and rock climbing. In fact, many experienced climbers see falling as an important part of the learning process. By learning how to fall correctly, you can reduce your chances of getting injured and become a better climber overall.

Here are some tips for overcoming your fear of falling:

  • Start by practicing falls on a soft surface, such as a crash pad or mattress.
  • Visualize yourself falling before you attempt each move.This will help your mind and body relax when you do fall.
  • Focus on your breathing; take deep breaths in and exhale slowly to help stay calm.
  • Commit to each move before you make it; this will help prevent hesitation which can lead to falls.
  • Try not to tense up when you start to fall; Instead, allow your body to relax and go with the fall.

With practice, you will become more comfortable with falling and eventually overcome your fear entirely!

The consequences of falling

Most people who boulder know that falling is an inherent part of the sport. However, many people still feel a lot of fear and anxiety around falling, which can hold them back from progressing and reaching their full potential.

Falling is scary because it is an uncontrolled movement and we can’t predict what will happen when we fall. We might hit our head, break a bone or just bruise ourselves. The thought of any of these happening can be enough to make us never want to fall again.

However, it’s important to remember that falls are a normal part of bouldering and that everyone falls at some point. The key is to fall safely and avoid getting hurt. With proper technique and a bit of practice, you can learn how to fall correctly and minimise the risk of injury.

If you’re still feeling fearful about falling, try this exercise: next time you’re bouldering, focus on practicing your falls. Start from a low height so you feel comfortable and gradually work your way up. Make sure you have spotters in place so they can catch you if needed. And most importantly, keep practicing! The more you do it, the less afraid you’ll be of falling.

Learning to Fall

One of the most important—and difficult—parts of bouldering is learning how to fall. It may seem counterintuitive, but falling is actually a skill that you need to learn and practice. After all, if you’re never falling, then you’re never going to get better at bouldering! In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to fall safely while bouldering.

The importance of learning how to fall

Falling is an inevitable part of bouldering, and one of the most important things you can do is learn how to fall correctly. This not only minimizes the chance of injury, but also helps you become a better climber overall.

When you first start bouldering, it can be tempting to try and muscle your way through routes. However, this isn’t an effective (or safe) strategy. Instead, try to focus on using your feet to make small movements that will shift your weight around. This will help you get a feel for the holds and make it less likely that you’ll take a big fall.

If you do find yourself falling, there are a few things you can do to stay safe:

  • First, tuck your chin into your chest and round your shoulders. This will help protect your head and neck in case you hit the ground.
  • Second, bend your knees and roll onto your side when you hit the ground. This will help absorb the impact and protect your joints from injury.
  • Finally, try to relax as much as possible when falling. tense muscles won’t do you any good and could actually increase the chance of injury.

Learning how to fall correctly is an important part of bouldering (and climbing in general). By following these tips, you can stay safe while also becoming a better climber overall.

How to fall correctly

In bouldering, as in life, we spend a lot of time trying not to fall. But falls are inevitable—they’re part of the game. The key is to learn how to fall correctly, so that when you do take a spill, you won’t get hurt.

Here are some tips on how to fall correctly while bouldering:

  • Relax your body as much as possible. A tense body is more likely to get injured in a fall.
  • Protect your head by tucking it into your chest.
  • Try to land on your backside or thigh, rather than on your hip or elbow.
  • Use your hands to break your fall if necessary—but be careful not to injure yourself in the process.
  • Practice falling in a safe environment, such as a padded floor or foam pit.

Practicing Falling

Falling is an important part of the bouldering process. It may seem counterintuitive, but by practicing falling, you can reduce your fear of heights and falling, and become a better and more confident climber.

Why practicing falling is important

One of the most important, and also most underrated, things that you can do while bouldering is practice falling. I’m not talking about toppling off of a problem that you can’t do, but rather jumping off of problems that you could easily send. Why is this so important? Because it helps to desensitize you to the fear of falling, and ultimately makes you a better and more confident climber.

When you first start climbing, the fear of falling is natural and understandable. After all, it’s not everyday that we put ourselves in situations where a fall could be potentially harmful. But as you become more experienced, you realize that falls are a part of the sport and that they are usually not as bad as they seem. In fact, many times they can be fun!

That being said, there is still a mental barrier that needs to be overcome in order to feel comfortable taking falls. And the best way to do this is by practicing falls on problems that you know you can climb. Start with easier problems and work your way up. As your confidence grows, you’ll find yourself taking bigger and bigger falls without even thinking about it.

Not only will this make you a better climber, but it will also make bouldering more enjoyable overall. So next time you’re at the gym or out on a climb, don’t be afraid to take a few practice falls. It just might be the best thing that you do all day

How to practice falling

When you first start bouldering, falling may seem like the scariest thing in the world. You’re up high, off the ground, and one wrong move could mean a painful landing. But the truth is, falls are (relatively) safe, and actually pretty common in the sport. In fact, once you get over the fear of falling, you’ll find that falls can be fun!

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should just start flinging yourself off the walls willy-nilly. There’s a right way and a wrong way to fall, and it’s important to learn how to do it correctly before you get too comfortable with heights. Here are some tips on how to practice falling safely:

  1. Start small. Don’t try to fall from the top of a 20-foot wall your first time out. Start with something lower, like a 5-foot wall, and work your way up gradually.
  2. Make sure the area is clear. Before you start climbing, take a look around and make sure there are no obstacles in the way that could potentially hurt you if you fell on them. This includes other climbers!
  3. Use a spotter. A spotter is someone who stands below you and helps break your fall if you happen to lose your grip. If possible, use a spotter when practicing falls for added safety.
  4. Stay relaxed. When you start to feel like you might fall, it’s natural to tense up your muscles in an effort to brace for impact. But this can actually make falling more dangerous by increasing the likelihood of injury. Instead, try to stay relaxed and let your body go limp when falling – this will help reduce the risk of injury.
  5. Don’t be afraid to yell “take!” If at any point during your climb you feel like you might fall and can’t control it, don’t be afraid to yell “take!” This is the signal for your spotter to help break your fall if necessary.


Falling is an inherent part of the sport of bouldering, and it is important to be comfortable with falling before attempting more difficult routes. With proper technique, falling can be safe and even enjoyable. With a little practice, you’ll be falling like a pro in no time!

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